jeudi 25 mars 2010

If Twitter met Wordpress, and they had a kid together, the kid would be Tumblr. Launched a few years ago, Tumblr is an hybrid marriage between a blog and a microblog. At first, I did not want to create yet another social profile on the Web. However, since I like to try out new stuff, I thought that today would be Tumblr's turn.

So you can visit my Tumblr here: Didier Gaultier on Tumblr.

Why do I feel the need to write about Tumblr? Well, first of all, the creation process is extremely simple and intuitive. You barely have time to warm up that tumblr already created a site for you, and before you know it you published your first post.

The customization is pretty rich: personal subdomain or custom url, library of thousands of different themes or customize your own, add additional pages just like on Wordpress or Blogger, connect your Tumblr to Facebook and Twitter to export your tumbles there, import your blog's RSS feed... You can also let others contribute to your Tumblr with a guest post submit page. You can also schedule your posts so that they don't all blast out at once.

Finally, if you visit the goodies page, you will find a bookmarklet, a Facebook App, an iPhone app, a dahsboard widget for Mac owners, a number to post audio messages to your stream, an email address to post remotely to Tumblr, a connector for AOL's instant messenger, and my favorite: a fully-customizable widget! I embedded mine at the bottom of this blog.

So you see, Tumblr is an extremely rich feature-wise, and so intuitive, that I had to spread the word. We always say that a satisfied customer won't share their experience as much as a disappointed customer: Well, today I wanted to reverse that commonness.

As a bonus, you can use Tumblr through a wide variety of third-party applications, like a Tumblr analytics tool!

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